27 June 2012


BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

I just don't know how some of you mothers out there do it. Juggle baby(babies),work, housework and life in general. I've been struggling the past few weeks to keep my sanity.

Let me start by saying how thankful and truly blessed I am to live the life I live, maybe just sitting down to write this will clear my mind and remind me how good I do have it... But the past few nights have been a struggle for both of us, maybe more so for Issac since he is the one cutting the top tooth, but I don't remember his bottom teeth giving him as much trouble as this top tooth has. :(

I can see the faint outline of his tooth ready to burst out into the surface. Just wish it would hurry up and come out soon and put us both out of our misery.

OK! I'm done with my rant about teething. On a happier note, he has pulled himself up to stand and completely let go and still stood by himself for a few moments, so I’m thinking walking time is fast approaching. He is also trying to talk more and he just seems to understand more and I feel our communication is clicking with him more and more every day. Its just so rewarding to see him growing up into this happy little chap every passing day. :)

Now, onto today's recipe. Since Issac's teething and is not really interested in eating, applesauce seemed to be a good idea as it was sweet and also it's really soothing when served cold.

Full of vitamin C and fibre, you can make sauce from almost any kind of apple you can find, although Fuji's and Gala apples are especially sweet and delicious.

I add a touch of cinnamon just to give it a little zip, but you could easily leave it out. Why spend more money buying jarred when you can make this in minutes?!

6 medium Royal Gala apples (or any other naturally sweet varieties)
A pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon

Wash, peel, quarter, and core the apples. Place in a steamer basket over a pot of water.
Cover the pot tightly and steam for 10 minutes or until apples are tender, adding more water if needed. The apples should pierce easily with a knife when ready.
Cool, then strain in a food processor or blender, adding 1 tablespoon of the cooking liquid per apple to the puree.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg and serve warm or - as a soothing treat for teething babies - nice and cold.


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