04 June 2013

Ghee Roasted Bananas

BY Unknown IN , No comments

This recipe is a life saver when you want a quick snack for your child cos he’s dying of hunger and won’t stop bawling long enough to give you space to even think about what to cook for him!

I vaguely remember my mom making this for us when Kevin & I were kids, but what jogged my memory was that she made this for Kochu quite often when we went to India in January. Kochu was being his usual self and refusing to eat anything but that was mostly because he was too busy enjoying running around and exploring and did not have the time or patience to stop and eat. These taste great served hot or cold. Mom also used to prepare it when we had to go on trips to relative houses and stuff as an in between snack for Kochu.

You need to use ethappazham or nentran pazham for this snack since those are the bananas that work well for this. So try to get ripe ethappazham to make these ghee-roasted bananas.For readers in Christchurch, you'll be able to get these from that little Fiji Indian dairy set up in a container, since the quake, on Colombo street. They are called Triton Dairy, 382 Colombo Street.

The ethappazham just taste simply delicious. I always make some extra for Renju and me as well as they are just irresistible. The riper the bananas the sweeter it will be and so you won’t need to add any sugar. Now onto the recipe. Enjoy!

Ghee Roasted Bananas


Ethappazham/nenthrapazham, 2
Ghee, 4-5 tbsp
Sugar, to sprinkle (optional)

1.Cut the bananas into little circles. The pieces should be 1/2" thick.

2. Pour ghee into a pan and when it warms up, add the banana pieces. Fry until golden brown.

3. Sprinkle sugar generously when the banana pieces are still warm, i f needed. I left out the sugar as these were sweet enough without the sugar and simply melt in your mouth!

They are quite crispy when warm and soft and spongy when cold. YUM YUM! Even Kochu approves :)


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