18 July 2012

Corn Chowder

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , , 2 comments

Not sure if you know, but I have a darling niece Annabelle (Annu) who's just a month younger than Issac. She is an absolute doll, and I'm not exaggerating. She is the cutest baby girl I've ever seen. She doesn't smile easily at strangers like Issac but when she does, Oh my God, it could melt a rock! Even though we are in the same country, it still...

11 July 2012

Rice, Lentils & Egg

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , 1 comment

Ever since I've been back at work, I've had this nagging feeling of needing to prove my worth all over again. Its like I've been away for ages and there's been so much of changes around the place, I hardly recognise it anymore. So many new faces around the office and most of them look at me like I'm the newbie, when actually I'm not. All my hard work and achievements have...