13 September 2012

Issac & Annabelle's Mickey & Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

BY Unknown 7 comments

OK, first things first. I’m  really sorry to have just disappeared  for so long without any updates but blame it all on the total madness in my life right now. The past month has been a roller coaster ride for me and my family in more ways than one. Just to give you a quick update into my life over the last month, so you’ll understand & hopefully forgive...

07 September 2012

Stage 4 (10-12 months)

BY Unknown No comments

Your 10-12 Month old baby has probably found a few foods that are truly their favorite foods. At this point, chunkier "table foods" are a big part of his meals and he or she may not like those thinner purees anymore. With his independence growing, he may also begin to show preferences for certain foods and refuse to be spoon fed. Take heart - while this stage of eating may be a bit frustrating, it won't last forever. Giving your baby the opportunity...

Stage 3 (8-10months)

BY Unknown No comments

By now your baby may be eating 3 "meals" a day and possibly enjoying a snack or 2 in between. Don't fret if your baby is doing only one solid meal a day still. Just make sure you follow his hunger cues and slowky try and incorporate 3 meals into his day. At this stage even though baby's milk is still important, it can take a backseat to his solid meals. You can offer your baby his solids first and then his milk. According to Plunket, at this...

Stage 2 (6-8 months)

BY Unknown No comments

If your 6 month - 8 month old baby is just starting solids at this stage, start slowly, preparing a very small amount of whatever food you have chosen to begin with. Offer milk to your baby first and then offer your little one solids. It's important to remember that baby's milk continues to be more important than solids at this age - don't worry when baby won't eat more than a few bites. Your baby might still prefer mushy pureed food, up...

Stage 1 (4-6 months)

BY Unknown No comments

This has to be the most nerve wracking and scary stage for most parents. I know it was for me! Introducing solids is a a huge milestone that can seem really daunting at first, especially if your making your own baby foods. This page should give you an idea about what foods you can start your babies on that are safe, healthy and nutritious. Remember there is no "set in stone", "right" way for starting solids. Follow your gut and also let...