29 August 2013

Simple Fried Chicken for Kids

BY Unknown IN , , No comments

Fried Chicken does not get any simpler than this. The only time consuming part is allowing the chicken to sit in the marinade for a while. Its a great snack for the kids and its something you can prepare before hand and just fry as and when you need it. You can store the marinated chicken in the freezer and just defrost and fry when ready. Its a great finger food for a high...

27 August 2013


BY Unknown No comments

Meet the new man in my life, Lucas James George, lovingly known as Chackochi.. He's the reason I've been absent from TTC the last few months.. But I'm back now and you can expect some interesting posts very soon :...

04 June 2013

Ghee Roasted Bananas

BY Unknown IN , No comments

This recipe is a life saver when you want a quick snack for your child cos he’s dying of hunger and won’t stop bawling long enough to give you space to even think about what to cook for him! I vaguely remember my mom making this for us when Kevin & I were kids, but what jogged my memory was that she made this for Kochu quite often when we went to India in January. Kochu...

29 May 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup

BY Unknown IN , , , No comments

Chicken soup… aaahhh blissfully simple, warming, healthy, filling & utterly delicious. I made it for Kochu when he came down with the flu and refused to eat anything else… Of course you can make it anytime, especially if you have some leftover chicken and vegetables that you do not want to waste. I got my inspiration for the soup from my friend’s blog Manju’s...

30 April 2013

Banana Pancakes - Whole Wheat & Sugar Free

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

I love this banana pancake recipe – its quick, easy and healthy! These pancakes are completely delicious and the wonderful thing is that they are completely sugar free and provide the goodness of whole grains. They also freeze very well, so you can make up a big stack at the weekend, pop a square of waxed paper in between each one and store them in the freezer, to be...

23 April 2013

Mushroom Pulao

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , , , No comments

I admit it. I am lousy at being pregnant. While other moms are being complimented on their healthy glow, I spend the first trimester of my pregnancy looking puffy, bloated, and blotchy. I may not be able to hold down anything more than cheese crackers, but I still somehow manage to put on an extra 75 pounds over the course of 40 weeks. I can't take a flight...

09 April 2013

Minced Meat Macaroni

BY Unknown No comments

I know you were starting to think my blog was pure vegetarian, but it’s not. It’s just that vegetables are so much more versatile than meat and they are so much easier to experiment with than meat. So to break that veggie cycle I seem to have going on, today's recipe’s main ingredient is Minced Meat (beef). This is an Indian/Keralite take on our western...

03 April 2013

Raagi Porridge/ Finger-Millet Porridge

BY Unknown No comments

What do you give your growing child? Is it just me or are there other moms out there that like me struggle to get breakfast into your kid every morning before rushing him off to day-care? Kochu loves to sleep in and never wakes up until its only 20 minutes left for us to rush out of door so we don’t get stuck in the morning traffic. So of late, breakfast is pretty much...

11 March 2013

Sweet French Toast with Summer Berries

BY Unknown No comments

mmm Ahem… Hi… I’m back J Ya, ya I know I did it again… Quite cheeky of me actually since my last post was an exceptionally long post about how I’d be better this year and that I’d stop this disappearing act and all that… But you have to forgive me, just this one last time. Why? Well, let me explain. 2013 so far has been..umm.. How do I put it? Interesting??...