30 January 2014

Some Fruity & Veggie Combos To Try

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , , , , , No comments

Now that we have covered the basics it's time to move on to something more adventurous. Once you have safely introduced these different types of vegetables and fruits, then it's time to "mix 'n match". You can mix any number of vegetables/fruits in any combination you choose. You just need to experiment a bit and trust your instincts as to what your baby would or...

28 January 2014

Simple Purees – Round #2 – Fruits

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

I'm seriously on a roll here :) My third post in a week...I've kept me word so far and I hope to continue doing so (fingers & toes crossed!) So today we move on to fruits. Fruits are just bound to be loved by kids. The sweet taste is just too much for any baby to resist. Some basic first fruits you can try are: Bananas Image source : http://romanlosangelez.wordpress.com Wholesome...

27 January 2014

Simple Purees – Round #1 – Vegetables

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

 I dropped into daycare today for Chackochi's usual afternoon feed and look at how I found him Those of you who aren't parents yet will look at the photo and go" What's so special about this pic? He's just sitting there smiling away..." Well, that's just it!!! He is SITTING!! Unsupported!! By baby is sitting up on his own! :) I could not stop grinning and I'm sure...

Baby’s First Foods – Cereals

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

As promised here's my first post on First Foods/Purees for babies. This is suitable from 4-6 months and onwards. These are the  basic cereals I've been feeding Chackochi along with the occasional Farex or Cerelac. I now mix fruits to these cereals as well like apples, pears, bananas etc. I'll put up the recipes for the combos I do as well soon. * Please keep in mind...

22 January 2014

Introduction to Pureeing and Storing Baby Foods

BY Unknown No comments

Since I'm all hyped up about being more active in this space I thought why wait till next week to put up a new post, why not do it today! I've been asked for some puree recipes and I thought as a start to a series of purees I'd make a small note on how to make a baby food puree and also some handy tips on how to store your homemade baby food safely that I've collected from my time with Issac. Preparing homemade baby food is pretty simple. With...

21 January 2014

Back to Basics - Round 2 - Rice Porridge with Banana Puree

BY Unknown IN , , , , 2 comments

Well what do you know, its 2014 already!!!!  I know I've been a horrible blogger the last year but please can I blame it all on the baby business i had going on last year? While its all been a whirlwind of fun and horrors, I'm glad 2013 is behind me. A new year means a new start, right? And of course a new start definitely needs some new year resolutions. On top of my...