27 August 2014


BY Unknown IN , , , , No comments

You know how you'd be sitting in the car waiting for the traffic light to turn green and your minds wanders and you think of random things or replay something that happened the day before? No?  Not Really?? I do that very often! Maybe it’s just me J . So this morning I was waiting for one such light to turn green and Kochu’s face came into mind. How he smiled at...

19 August 2014

Milk and Cookies Cupcakes

BY Unknown IN , , No comments

The final lap to Kochu's birthday celebrations was making some cupcakes to take into daycare for Kochu to share with his friends. I tossed and turned about making him another cake but this was just a day after the whole Spider-man cake saga and to tell you the truth, I was all caked out! I couldn't bring my self to bake and decorate another whole cake and so in the end...

14 August 2014

Spider-man Birthday Cake - Black & White Cake with Creamy Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

If your birthday honoree can't decide whether he or she wants vanilla or chocolate, this cake is the perfect choice because it delivers both. For Kochu there really wasn't much confusion, chocolate would win hands down every time, but I wanted to do something different. I was bored of making plain chocolate cakes. I knew I wanted a layered cake and in different flavors,...

12 August 2014

Spider-man Birthday Cake for Issac's 3rd Birthday

BY Unknown IN , , 4 comments

Our Kochu Varkey (Isaac) is 3 today! It feels like only yesterday I had written a post about him getting his first tooth! Time is just flying by. He has grown from an absolutely adorable baby to a smart and very talkative boy that he is today.  Every now and then he says something that totally amazes me and I realise my baby is growing up! My big boy, mwah! Ever...

11 August 2014

Cheesy Carrot Bites

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

Feeding a growing boy gets really interesting once he decides to be independent and feed himself.  The teachers at day-care warned me that this was starting to happen and that Chackochi wouldn't let them feed him anymore. So that meant only one thing- prepare myself for finding dried up bits of food in random places all over the house! Yuck! One of the ways to avoid...