27 June 2012


BY Unknown IN , , , , , , No comments

I just don't know how some of you mothers out there do it. Juggle baby(babies),work, housework and life in general. I've been struggling the past few weeks to keep my sanity. Let me start by saying how thankful and truly blessed I am to live the life I live, maybe just sitting down to write this will clear my mind and remind me how good I do have it... But the past few...

22 June 2012

Kerala Style Rice and Fish Soup

BY Unknown IN , , , , , No comments

Issac's almost about to turn one in a couple of months and I think I may be freaking out a bit here: I’m expected to keep a small child alive on adult human food? I feel so unprepared! Why don’t they cover this in parenting classes? Because, realistically, that first few months is so easy food-wise: just gimme the milk and nobody gets hurt. And so begins the next...

13 June 2012

Apple Kesari & a Goodbye...

BY Unknown IN , , , , , No comments

One of the very important people in my life is moving away. She is a friend and she and her husband are moving to another place soon. My husband is my best friend but that doesn’t mean that Her moving away doesn’t feel like a seismic shift tossing me off balance. Because it does feel that way. It feels like a little earthquake. What's especially sad is that we never got...

08 June 2012

A Winter Warmer - Chicken Risotto

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , No comments

Winter's finally here in our part of the world.  I have to say, this has to be my least favorite season of the year. I've never really been a cold person. I like cool stuff, like some cool fresh juice on a hot summery day and ice cubes in my drink. But I draw the line at that. That's the coldest I can bear. I'll let you in on a secret. I usually microwave my ice cream...

04 June 2012

Finger Foods - Sweet Corn Mini Fritters

BY Unknown IN , , , , , No comments

It’s funny that I almost don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not looking after Issac. Looking back at my pre Issac days of being bored or tired, I didn’t know the meaning of tired until now and there’s no time for boredom but all jokes aside, I love being a mother.  It’s hard at times but incredibly satisfying to watch this little lovely being grow into a...