24 October 2012

5pm Panic - Tasty Toast

BY Unknown IN , , , , No comments

Issac is often really tired and hungry after a fun packed day at day care when he gets home, so the meal I offer him needs to be easy to eat and not challenge his dislikes, as the last thing I want is a meltdown. I'm sure all mums and dads need a repertoire of tasty quick meals that can be put together in a matter of minutes. Ideally they still need to give your little...

16 October 2012

Pumpkin & Raisin Bread

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , , 2 comments

I can't believe we are into the 3rd week of October already. Life seems to be just passing me by and I feel like 24 hours a day is just not enough. Juggling work and family is definitely not easy as I thought it would be. And it definitely does not get easier when someone or the other keeps falling sick in your household. Both R and I have used up all...

10 October 2012

DIY Mickey/Minnie Mouse Birthday Banner

BY Unknown IN , , , 2 comments

Here’s the long promised tutorial on how to make your own Mickey/Minnie Mouse Birthday Banner.  I’m sorry I don’t have step by step pictures, which I know would have made this tutorial a whole lot easier to follow. But I made this banner over a couple of weeks (not that it takes that long, I just didn't have the time) and I wasn't organised enough....

09 October 2012

Hey Everyone!

BY Unknown 1 comment

So let's be honest. I've been pretty lazy about this blogging thing lately. Well, lazy maybe isn't  the right word -- I just haven't had the time to say it. So I've let this slide in a serious way. But when I was feeling guilty about being a lousy blogger the other day I remembered the reason I started this in the first place: to give all working moms a place to find quick and easy recipes to feed their kids without the guilt of not...

01 October 2012

Oreo Pops

BY Unknown IN , , , , 5 comments

I saw these Oreo pops first in one of the photos of Nolan Paper Airlines {First Birthday Party}. I knew I had to make these the moment I laid my eyes on them. How cool do they look? Oreo pops are one of my favorite miniature treats. A few bites of Oreo goodness, coated in chocolate, on a stick - super cute, delicious, and unbelievably easy to make. Oreo...