27 February 2014

Chicken Rice Mash for Babies

BY Unknown IN , , , , , No comments

Its been a while since I posted a baby food recipe, so let today's recipe be just that. I've introduced Chackochi to meat quite earlier than I did with Kochu. He seems to like chicken and beef but not so much the pork. I'm yet to give him some fish, but when I do I think I'll start with salmon as it has so much of essential fatty acids that helps with brain development. This...

24 February 2014

Homemade Puffy Paint and Lots of Fun!

BY Unknown IN , 1 comment

I know this is a food blog, but today's recipe was something so fun and interesting that I just had to share with you all. Its a great indoor activity for a rainy day and is so much messy fun that your toddler will love you for it! The kids and I were supposed to go for a fun barbecue planned by the Jesus Youth here yesterday but the weather was pretty horrid in the...

20 February 2014

Pesarattu/ Moong Dal (CheruPayar) Dosa/ Green Gram Crêpe

BY Unknown IN , , , 1 comment

Today's recipe is Pesarattu. Its a crepe-like bread unique to Telugu cuisine that is similar to dosa. It is made with batter of green gram (moong dal), but unlike a dosa, it does not contain urad dal. But before we get into that there's something I would like to share with you wonderful mummies (and daddies!) out there. Remember those days when you could easier get the...

14 February 2014

Banana Fritters

BY Unknown IN , , , , No comments

Chackochi is 7 months and 4 days today! Looking back through the monthly pictures is amazing to watch the changes his face and cute little body go through. I’m looking forward to lining them all up when he makes it to 1 year. 7 month milestones- He has been sitting up on his own  for the past month and has even pulled himself up into a seated position from his tummy He...

11 February 2014

Yummy Pasta Muffins

BY Unknown IN , , , , , No comments

 P.S. I wrote this post a week ago and forgot to put it up! :) So when I say "today" I actually meant "last week"! Its a public holiday here today and so the start of a very long weekend for us as both my husband and I don't work Friday's. That means lots of cooking today. I try and get all my cooking at the start of the weekend so that I can enjoy the rest of the days...

05 February 2014

Baby Pasta Bolognese

BY Unknown IN , , , No comments

I was brought up eating a wide range of nutritious foods. My parents worked a lot and yet my mother always found the time to cook delicious meals for us. Takeaways and junk food of any sort were never a part of my life until I moved out and lived on my own. Whereas with Kochu , I put  way too much importance on his weight because everyone was always telling...

04 February 2014

Creamy Oatmeal with Banana & Peanut Butter

BY Unknown IN , , , , No comments

Today is Day #4 of my Sugar Free February. Yep, you read right, SUGAR -FREE February. I've decided to give up all forms of sugar for a month. For those of you who know me well, giving up sugar for me is almost as equivalent to asking me to give up breathing. I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'll try as hard as I can to stick with it. A few of my colleagues from work...